Categories Multiple Sclerosis

Natural Care for MS

While the medicine does not have answers for the cause of MS or a cure, many people with MS are searching out natural ways to heal themselves. Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic care and other techniques within the upper cervical are having oftentimes dramatic results with MS cases.

Dr. Erin Elster who use to practice in Colorado has published an extensive case series on Multiple Sclerosis and how traumatic head injuries prior to onset may be a causative factor in many of these cases.

Another researcher and an upper cervical doctor named Scot Rosa have found that MS patients have restricted CSF(cerebrospinal fluid) flow which, following atlas corrections, can return to normal levels. Not only are they seeing changes in CSF flow in these cases, but they are also seeing dramatic improvements in patients who suffer from MS.

Not only are MS patients receiving relief and healing from upper cervical doctors, but a little-known procedure we have learned about while dealing with many MS cases in our office is the Klenner Protocol. Dr. Klenner was a well-known medical doctor in the ’50s and 60 ‘s who was bucking the allopathic trend at that time. 

Klenner was a big proponent of vitamin therapy and intramuscular injections. In our office, we have seen patients with MS prior to the start of upper cervical care that has had significant gains in the MS symptoms by following Klenner’s protocol. 

As always, we hope that this article brings hope and useful information that is not otherwise available to those that suffer and have only searched within the allopathic model. The internet is leveling the playing field regarding how people are informed about their health. 

The days of ‘here take this pill and shut up’ are not cutting it. Many are turning to the internet for information that may be helpful in their healing. Our blogs have one purpose and that is to disseminate information to the seeker.

Let us help you!

Categories Concussions

Blair Upper Cervical Care and Post-Concussion Syndrome

When I think of post-concussion syndrome the first thing that flashes through my mind is sports injuries. Football players, hockey players, and downhill ski racers are just a few of the athletes frequently suffering from this condition. 

Medically speaking, patients who have concussions are told that the brain is injured due to rebounding off of the skull. The quick acceleration and deceleration from hitting the head on the field, the ice, or hard-packed snow is like putting your sandwich in a plastic lunch box and shaking it up. 

While the initial injury indeed may damage brain tissue, it is this doctor’s belief that there is more to this story than the brain injury itself. I would like for you to hear what some patients are saying about Upper Cervical care and post-concussion syndrome. 

Afterward, I would like to explain why anyone who has had a concussion should not only be seeking medical care but, should also consult a doctor who is specially trained to assess the role that the upper two bones in the neck have on overall body health. Even how they can be a main player in the symptoms that someone feels long after a concussion.

Skull and Upper Cervical Care Spine Alignment In order to understand why the upper neck is a region to be reckoned with in these injuries is simple: the head weighs on average 10-13 pounds and it rests on the first bone in the neck that weighs 2 ounces. 

While wonderfully engineered by nature this region of the spine is precariously built and it is susceptible to structural damage when an injury big enough to cause concussion results. What makes this part of human anatomy important and why should someone who has had a concussion seek the help of an upper cervical doctor?

Your brainstem is the part of the central nervous system that is responsible for controlling most of the functions in the body you do not operate: blood pressure, muscle tone regulation, thermoregulation, cardiac function, respiratory function, and more. 

Your brainstem is literally what runs the show neurologically speaking. Because of its proximity to the atlas and axis(first two cervical vertebrae), it should be an area of focus for those that have sustained head injuries.

Not only does the brain receive damage but the upper cervical spine structure is also damaged from quick, sudden changes in acceleration and deceleration. More specifically speaking, when someone sustains a head injury, the cervical spine joints, which are protected by a ligament called a joint capsule, can tear, lose their proper alignment, and their normal motion. 

When the joints in the upper cervical spine are injured, it predisposes the body to adapt structurally. Usually, the normal cervical curvature is lost, and in more severe cases, reverses. Over time this causes tensile stress on the spinal cord and brainstem. 

This postural fault causes the body to malfunction, and, because the brainstem controls most basic functions in the body, it can lead to a whole host of health problems that are commonly referred to as ‘post-concussion syndrome. Post-Concussion Syndrome: How Chiropractors Can Help

We routinely see people who have been in traumas that predate their chronic health issues. Unfortunately, many of these people suffer for years before they find help. If you know someone who has been in head trauma and is suffering years later with headaches, cognitive fog, insomnia, short-term memory problems, tinnitus, and other symptoms that just won’t seem to go away, it may be that their upper neck is at fault.

Categories Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia Recovery

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Anyone who has suffered from or watched someone suffer from trigeminal neuralgia knows just how devastating the syndrome is. many people who suffer go to extremes in finding relief. I recall a patient years ago who had half of the teeth in her mouth removed.

She was seeking an answer to the horrendous pain she was experiencing daily. The dentist told her the teeth were the culprit. AS many TN patients experience excruciating pain in their teeth. After the removal of over 12 teeth, the pain still persisted. 

They then told her that her pain was from a bone infection. Over the next month, they proceeded to scrape away the jay bone to the point that today she has to wear a prosthetic to keep her face from looking like a stroke patient. This should make it clear how badly these patients suffer. And show what they are willing to go through to find a cure. There is a reason they call TN the suicide disease.

Our office publishes these blogs to give people hope. While Upper Cervical Care is NOT a cure-all it has been successful at giving TN sufferers relief when all other methods of treatment have failed. Below you will find a video of a man who suffered from TN for over 16 years.

He underwent Upper Cervical Care and since seeking the care has had a recovery from his TN prison. We have found that patients that suffer from TN and have undergone other forms of treatment without success, often respond beautifully to Upper Cervical Care.

Over the years our office has taken care of over 30 cases of TN. A large majority of those patients are now living life again.

Trauma Can Cause Chronic Nervous System Problems

Many of us throughout life have traumas that can displace the top bone in the neck from its normal position relative to the head. When this happens there is a cascade of neurological consequences that follow. Interference at the brainstem level causes the spinal muscles to become tight.

When muscles become tight the normal neck curve (lordosis) straightens. This straightening of the neck curve puts tensile stress on the spinal cord and can distort the nerve tissue and compromise normal function. Nerve nuclei in the brainstem are responsible for controlling the Trigeminal nerve. This nucleus can become compromised from a straight neck and a misaligned atlas.

How Does Upper An Upper Cervical Correction Relieve TN Symptoms?

Upper Cervical Doctors correct spinal misalignments in the upper neck. When corrected several things start to occur in the body. Muscles in the neck and spine start to relax. Abnormal spinal curves start to return to a more normal structure. 

These changes can alter the irritation on the trigeminal nerve enough to alleviate the TN attacks. The patient in the testimony below is an example of how Upper Cervical Care can help TN sufferers. 

We are used to taking care of patients that have been everywhere and almost lost hope that they will ever recover. We offer a free consultation in our offices to see if you can be helped.

Categories Neck Pain

Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain

Neck pain

At one point or another, most people experience neck pain. Neck pain has many causes, a variety of symptoms, and is one of the most common reasons people will seek out chiropractic treatment. For some, neck pain may be a weekly source of irritation.

For others, it can become constant, severe, and debilitating. When neck pain starts to intrude into everyday activities, putting limitations on the things you enjoy doing, something has to change. Pain and chiropractic treatment go hand-in-hand. Upper Cervical Chiropractors help by determining the root cause of the pain and work with you to reduce and eliminate it. 

The causes of neck pain can be numerous

Pain is an indication that your body is struggling to meet the demands that are placed on it. Today, we are surrounded by constant stressors: tight work deadlines, busy kid schedules, financial speedbumps, and never-ending family drama. In times of stress, our bodies undergo physiological changes. Muscles become tense, stress hormones are released, and we slip into unhealthy posture habits (next time you’re frustrated in traffic, notice what happens to your neck and shoulders). 

When we’re stressed, we compromise our posture. When we’re stressed often enough, or long enough, our bodies “forget” how to hold themselves in normal posture. Eventually, our body can’t take it anymore and sends out warning signals: pain. The same thing happens when our body undergoes physical trauma (a car accident or a fall while skiing…). Our joints can become subtly misaligned. Suddenly, muscles, ligaments, and connective structures are pushed out of whack. 

You might not notice pain immediately as your body processes what has happened to it. Eventually, when your body registers that it is not able to move normally, or is stuck in certain positions, it will start to flare up with pain.

 Your brain interprets pain like an alarm

It means that there’s something going on that needs to be stopped or changed. You may experience pain that prevents you from turning side to side, or maybe you’ve had forearm pain that limits how much you can extend your elbow. Pain impacts the body in many profound ways to try to limit actions/movements that might aggravate it. The symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Stiffness
  • Sharpness
  • Tight muscles
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Radiating tingling
  • Numbness or weakness of the arms

Upper cervical chiropractic

Upper cervical chiropractic takes a holistic approach to treating and reducing pain. The chiropractic treatment for neck pain includes an in-depth analysis of your spine, looking for misalignments or locked-up joints. 

A chiropractor evaluates your posture and uses objective measures to determine how best to treat and manage these dysfunctional parts of the spine. Neck pain after chiropractic treatment can decrease rapidly. 

Once your chiropractor has determined how your spine has become misaligned and adjusts accordingly, the pain is reduced. This means you walk away with fewer headaches and less stress and can spend more time doing the things your love. 

What does an appointment with your chiropractor look like? Your chiropractor will take a specific series of x-rays and precisely measure joints of the spine to determine where individual vertebra have become misaligned. 

The chiropractic treatment of neck pain includes gentle, non-invasive adjustments made by hand. Following the adjustment, you rest for a few minutes to allow your body to setting and relax in proper alignment.

 Alignment is key. When your spine is aligned, your body responds positively. Neck pain is not something anybody should have to live with. By seeking chiropractic care, you empower yourself and can live pain-free!

Categories Meniere's Disease

Does Chiropractic Help With Meniere’s?

Meniere’s disease

According to the Mayo Clinic’s website: Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes spontaneous episodes of vertigo. A sensation of a spinning motion with fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), and a feeling of fullness in your ear. In many cases, Meniere’s disease affects only one ear.

That’s all a little abstract to most people, so let’s break it down a bit. The inner ear is where the real magic of hearing happens, behind the eardrum. Those smallest of the bones in your body conduct sound vibrations to the neural tissue that turn the vibrations into information in your brain. 

Problems in this part of the ear are obviously going to cause some interference with your ability to hear well and even cause you to hear some sounds that aren’t really happening.


This is where Tinnitus comes in. Tinnitus is, essentially, Latin for inappropriate ringing in the ear. If you can imagine, or perhaps you don’t have to, a persistent ringing or static sound that obstructs other sounds you actually need to hear. Different people experience different patterns and pitches with Tinnitus, but the effect is the same: a maddeningly persistent sound that follows you to sleep.

Most people also experience a sensation of fullness in the ear. It’s not normal, so it is pretty distinct from having water in your ear. Many compare it to that feeling you get while gaining elevation right before your ears ‘pop’ to compensate for the difference in air pressure. This feeling of pressure is attributed to an excess of fluid in the inner ear.

These fluids vary from person to person. Some are experiencing an infection; some are not getting the proper drainage from the natural fluids found within the inner ear. These fluids all do the same thing when in such volumes: impinge on the function of the ear. The ear isn’t just responsible for hearing, though; it is also a key player in keeping you standing upright.

You see, the brain receives information from the ear about where your head is as far as whether it is tilted, upside-down, and when you rotate to one direction or the other. Now, take that information and scramble it; how do you think that would feel? This is what is referred to as ‘Vertigo.’ 

Suddenly, your brain gets all sorts of inappropriate feedback from the inner ear on tilt and rotation. Just like when you were little and got spun around in a chair or went through a looping and twisting roller coaster, you can get nauseated from such episodes and feel the need to vomit.


Many people with Meniere experience these sorts of symptoms in episodes that build up from the fullness in the ear to hearing loss, tinnitus, and finally, a wave of vertigo that can really stop a person in their tracks. These episodes are ‘triggered’ by various causes. Some include allergies, viral infection, fluid drainage blockage, and head trauma.

Since this disease can lead to permanent hearing loss, it isn’t something to sit on and hope it goes away. Finding a Meniere’s specialist in your area and having yourself checked out can be the difference in whether you’ll suffer from long-lasting damage to the inner ear. Considering the treatment options out there right now, you don’t want just anyone probing around in your ear.

Most doctors will advocate a less invasive approach at first, leaving risky surgeries for the last option. This is wise as even a successful surgery can lead to further complications down the line, including permanent hearing loss. Some early approaches include physical therapy, diet adjustments, lifestyle changes, and upper cervical corrections.

Upper cervical care

Many people aren’t familiar with that final approach listed. Upper cervical care is a healing modality focused on correcting the misalignment of joints in the upper neck. Dr. Burcon, a Meniere’s specialist out of Grand Rapids, Michigan, has published articles in peer-reviewed journals about the effects of this sort of intervention on Meniere’s disease. 

Essentially, freeing up the joints in the neck relieves the stresses of the muscles and nerves in this area and allows for that healthy drainage of the fluids from the inner ear. This approach is non-surgical and non-medical, requiring no drugs whatsoever. Simply relieving interference from the body so that it can heal like it’s made to.

Dr. Burcon studies the patient’s individual anatomy with the Blair upper cervical system of analysis. This is especially interesting as it considers that not everyone is built the same, so it makes sense that one person may be more prone to these sorts of disorders than another. 

After all, why would you find two people with similar allergies and sinus complications, even similar trauma history, but only one of them has Meniere’s?

Dr. Burcon claims that 291 of 300 had experienced complete relief of their symptoms; that’s pretty good in our book. The best part is that this type of care doesn’t carry the residual side effects as are possible with drugs or surgery. Where can you find this type of specialist in your area? Give us a call, and we’ll help you out.

Categories Meniere's Disease

Upper Cervical Care for Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is a painful condition of the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for helping us keep our equilibrium, and once it becomes endangered, Meniere’s is the final result. Meniere’s disease is well known to get loss of equilibrium, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Meniere’s affects everybody at several levels. It’s irregular and can be extremely unpredictable. Some can deal well with it as it’s nothing but a mild annoyance, but some find it to be quite disabling and may lead to deafness and permanent imbalance of their internal ear.

Typical Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease

A classic instance of Meniere’s disease contains four big elements:

Hearing reduction

 This normally begins in 1 ear and might progress to another one finally. It might change based on the intensity of the assault. Nobody’s situation is just like the next.

Rotational vertigo

 This is the feeling of rotation. You will feel as if the things around you’re spinning. It may come on somewhat or strike suddenly and be quite intense. The ideal thing to do if this happens is to sit right where you are till the feeling passes because a lot of men and women get injuries should they dropdown.


 The sensation of congestion, swelling, or the ear is under stress is shared with Meniere’s disease.


 A ringing sensation in the ears which ranges from moderate to excruciating. 

Does Meniere’s Disease Happen? The precise cause of Meniere’s disease remains a mystery among the health care community. Some theories suggest it is a result of a build-up of fluid from the inner ear. 

Some variables that could make this happen are:

  • Abnormal immune system reaction
  • Viral infection
  • Migraines
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Improper fluid drainage
  • Allergies
  • Head or neck injury

Due to the nature of the problem, a combination of factors might be included. We will concentrate on the final item in the preceding listing later in this report. 

A definite connection was found involving head and neck injury and Meniere’s disease.

7 Strategies to Help Alleviate Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease

Here are 7 items you can try in your home to help alleviate your symptoms of Meniere’s disorder:

Drink a lot of water

This may seem counterproductive since Meniere’s may be brought on by an extra build-up of fluid, but another motive for Meniere’s could be a virus, pathogen, or germs in your body. Drinking water can help flush out this. By maintaining the water inside your body, you’ll be prosperous in eliminating excess salts and draining toxins out.

Follow a low sodium diet

 Physicians will suggest this rather often because the excess salt in the body can lead to redness and water retention. It is possible to remove these problems by lowering your salt consumption.

Maintain your carbohydrates and proteins

 Carbohydrates break down to simple sugars and boost the insulin into your blood due to sugar. If you eat protein, it generates a discharge of glucagon to modulate the quantity of insulin within the body. This could help keep your blood glucose and insulin in management and help decrease the symptoms of Meniere’s. Stay away from sugar replacements and MSG: Aspartame and MSG are closely connected to Meniere’s.

These unhealthy goods are observed in the vast majority of processed foods. But you can avoid them using just a small hard work and, hopefully, see an improvement in symptoms. Manage your anxiety levels: Stress releases the pressure hormones and may cause Meniere’s disease. Getting skilled assistance to manage chronic stress might be a fantastic choice to take into account. 

Practice pressure relief at home

Listening to soothing music, performing some strengthening exercises, like Pilates, or even taking a very long walk.

Avoid nicotine and caffeine: both these substances are regarded as stimulating. It’s been discovered that both nicotine and caffeine extend the length of hearing loss, create vertigo worse, and also create the ringing of tinnitus much louder. Attempt to prevent both these substances completely if at all possible. Avoid foods that cause inflammation: These contain foods that are tough to digest, since they may lead to irritation throughout the entire body. 

Mild foods would be the ideal alternative with Meniere’s.

Finding Natural Relief to Meniere’s Disease research between 139 Meniere’s sufferers revealed some fascinating information that’s beneficial to anybody afflicted by it. The majority of the participants may remember having some kind of neck or head injury ahead of the beginning of the symptoms of Meniere’s disease. It was discovered upon an examination which 139 needed a misaligned bone within their upper cervical spine. When awarded a correction with an upper cervical artery, all reported visiting with their symptoms improved. Specifically, they detected a rise in their vertigo. 

The majority even watched their Meniere’s move away.

It has to do with the C1 vertebra and just how tightly it sits at the neck into the brainstem and Eustachian tube. If the C1 goes from the place, the misalignment might create the brainstem to malfunction and start sending improper signs to the brain about the body’s place, resulting in vertigo. Additionally, it may result in problems with the Eustachian tube. 

Let us help you

Categories Vertigo

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Treatment of Vertigo


The human body is the most complex organic piece of machinery on the planet. Human beings are incredibly designed by nature to be self-complimentary. Each of the innate systems we are born with is uniquely interconnected with multiple other systems within the same skeletal housing. 

The system of Equilibrium

In layman’s terms, equilibrium simply means maintaining balance. The skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems all work together on our special sense of equilibrium, dubbed ‘Proprioception’, to maintain the upright posture we are so accustomed to. It’s always working too, from getting up in the morning, to take every single step, to even moving any of our limbs, this complex system of position sensing and balance is quintessential to everyday life. 

Any problem within this system manifests as the common complaint of dizziness, or more aptly named, Vertigo. 

Vertigo, or dizziness, is the condition where the body cannot maintain balance and properly judge where its component limbs and body parts are in space. Vertigo manifests as the ‘illusion’ of movement, meaning that you feel like you are spinning and moving when in fact you are stationary. 

Vertigo is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting as the brain tries to process this illusionary movement.

So why the spinning?

Vertigo is most often associated with problems in the inner ear where the main apparatus of equilibrium sensing, the Vestibule, is located. 

The vestibule uses dense fluid and the principle of inertia to judge the direction of movement and therefore, sends signals to the Cerebellum to activate appropriate muscles in the body and limbs to prevent us from falling over.

Some of the common problems with the inner ear leading to vertigo include:

· Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

BPPV also called simply Begin Vertigo or Positional Vertigo is a common cause of vertigo complaints received by chiropractors. It accounts for 20% of all cases of vertigo and in older adults, makes up almost 50% of all cases of vertigo. BPPV manifests as short-lived but severe moments of illusionary spinning and dizziness. The exact cause of BPPV is uncertain. 

However, it is theorized that it occurs as a result of tiny calcium particles clumping up in the vestibule canals and disrupting normal signal transmission. 

· Meniere’s Disease

The inner ear has an internal pressure that is kept equal to the outside atmospheric pressure in order to function effectively. Meniere’s disease occurs when fluid builds up inside the inner ear and changes the inner ear pressure relative to the outside. 

This results in false stimulation of the inner ear apparatus that manifests as ringing in the ears (Tinnitus) and the spinning sensation of Vertigo. 

· Vestibular Labyrinthitis or Neuritis

Usually occurring after a viral infection of the inner ear or the throat, the vestibular nerve or the bony canals of the vestibule called ‘Labyrinths’ are inflamed and their normal signal transmission is impeded. 

This leads to the brain being fooled into assuming that the position of the body is off, and this in turn results in the spinning sensation of vertigo. 

Apart from the inner ear vertigo can be triggered by other, less common conditions involving the musculoskeletal system such as head and neck injuries and whiplash injuries, the nervous system such as minor strokes and migraine headaches, tumors such as acoustic neuromas or may even manifest as a side effect of different drugs such as the antibiotic class Aminoglycosides. 

Chiropractic techniques to balance your world 

Vertigo is one of the most frequent complaints chiropractors receive and, in many cases, vertigo can resolve by itself, as the brain has an incredible ability to adapt and utilize other mechanisms to maintain balance. 

However, for the cases of vertigo requiring treatment, chiropractors utilize many techniques which include but are not limited to:

· Epley’s Maneuver

This repositioning technique is used for vertigo arising from inner ear problems, especially BPPV. 

In this maneuver, the chiropractor aims to reposition the debris and shift it from balance-sensitive areas of the vestibule to more innocuous areas so that vestibular function is spared, and vertigo alleviated. 

The chiropractor essentially moves into specific positions that he/she found during the assessment to be reducing the symptoms. 

This positioning allows gravity to move the calcium debris away from sensitive areas of the vestibule to more harmless locations and thereby restoring equilibrium. 

· Vestibular Rehabilitation

This type of therapy aims to strengthen your sense of balance by training the brain to utilize other systems for equilibrium maintenance. 

Multiple techniques and exercises can be used to achieve this effect, and your chiropractor will recommend the appropriate method after a thorough assessment.

· Exercises

Your chiropractor may recommend some easy exercises you can do by yourself at home to further facilitate the treatment process. 

One popular and effective exercise, as documented in the 2006 issue of the Scientific World Journal is the ‘Brandt-Daroff’ exercise. 

In the Brandt-Daroff exercise, you simply sit at the end of your bend and alternatively flop to aside for one minute, then back upright for a minute and then to the opposite side for one minute, and then repeat. 

Other exercises like Tai Chi, meditation, and breathing techniques like Qi-Gong are also recommended by chiropractors to aid in vertigo treatment. 

· Lifestyle modification

The chiropractor may also advise a change in your lifestyle and eating habits to ensure a well-functioning equilibrium system. He/she may advise decreased use of tobacco and alcohol, as well as non-prescription sleeping aids and antihistamines. Monosodium Glutamate or MSG is found in processed foods that increase the likelihood of vertigo attacks. And certain vitamins like Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin C may be supplemented especially if you drink alcohol as prolonged alcohol consumption results in vitamin deficiency. 

Vitamin C has a particular role as an antioxidant in reducing the free-radical induced damage to the vestibular system.


Vertigo has a wide variety of causative factors that cause your world to spin out of control and leave you struggling to maintain balance. Chiropractic maneuvers and techniques are a non-invasive, conservative method of treatment utilizing the body’s natural construction to treat some of the causes and effectively eliminate the symptoms, bringing your world back to balance.

Categories Back Pain

Can Upper Cervical Care Help Avoid Low Back Surgery?

Low back pain, if severe enough, can devastate a person’s life. It robs them of doing activities that most take for granted. Medically their solution is usually painkillers, muscle relaxers, or cortisone shots. If the problem is severe enough the last resort is surgery. 

Upper Cervical care has helped thousands of low back pain sufferers regain their health. Thousands of others have avoided low back disc surgeries, cortisone shots, and long-term pain-killing medications. 

Want to avoid back surgery?

You might need to find out more about spinal stability and the spine as an engineering marvel. Your spine is dependent heavily on two chief systems to maintain what amounts to a tower of blocks (vertebrae) aligned with millimeter precision. The spinal vertebrae are held together by muscles, ligaments, tendons, and soft tissue. The muscular tone is crucial to spinal alignment, healthy discs, and normal posture. 

Therefore, knowing what controls spinal muscle tone is key to understanding not only how to avoid disc injury but also how to correct it. Treatment Vertigo The brainstem, located in the upper cervical spine is paramount in whether spinal muscle tone is balanced or not. This part of the nervous system controls spinal muscle balance. 

People who have balanced healthy posture have a good neurological tone emanating from proper brain stem function. This indicates that the alignment of the upper cervical spine is healthy. However, when someone sustains a neck injury the opposite can be true. Whiplash-type injuries can cause a spinal misalignment in the neck that can result in irritation of the brainstem and subsequently causing a spinal imbalance.

When the spine is imbalanced it leads to an asymmetrical distribution of weight throughout the spine. With time discs can become more stressed on one side compared to the other resulting in weakness. In time repetitive dresses and strains in an imbalanced manner can result in disc bulge and injury. Most people who suffer from the first symptoms of disc Injury think that the first symptom is when the injury began.

However, understanding that most disc bulges are the result of long-term spinal imbalances sheds a different light on the problem.

 Whether you are looking to avoid low back disc problems in the future or find yourself in an acute disc bulge crisis now, correcting upper cervical spine misalignments can allow your brain- stem to regain control over your spinal muscles and lead to recovery and prevention. 

What’s the upshot? In case you have chronic low back pain, or you want to avoid back surgery, your physician should at least be thinking about the role the brainstem plays as one potential reason for your problem! What does an upper cervical doctor do? There are only about 150 trained Blair upper cervical chiropractors in the world. This niche technique limits its focus to the upper neck, brain stem, skull region.

The concept of upper cervical chiropractic has to do with the brain stem, which comes out of the head through the top two bones of the neck, known as the atlas (C1) and axis (C2). The brain stem works like a switchboard operator, controlling all of the messages between the brain and the body.

The goal of an upper cervical chiropractor is to correct spinal misalignments that resulted from a prior injury. By taking precise CBCT or digital x-ray images, the doctor can make precise, gentle corrections to restore normal Joint motion and allow for normal neurological function.

 If you or someone you love is suffering from low back pain or disc bulge it would be prudent to investigate this unique procedure that has helped thousands at their wit’s end. You might just find it changes your life. We hope this blog has been informative and leads to health recovery for those in need!

Categories Neck Pain

Chiropractic Techniques for Neck Pain

Upper Cervical Chiropractic to the rescue.

We’ve all had it at least once in our lives. That nagging rigidity in our necks makes all types of head movements hell and adversely affects our mood and daily lives. 

The neck, also called the cervical spine, is that part of our spinal column beginning from the base of the skull and goes down till the shoulders. 

It supports the full weight of the head and contains seven vertebrae and is surrounded by a rich network of blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and vital conduits such as the trachea and the esophagus. 

Why does it hurt?

Multiple activities and positions of the neck have been shown to increase the likelihood of neck pain because of the flexibility involved. 

Let’s have a look at a few of the most common causes:

· Accidental injury

By far the most common cause of neck pain among children and young adults, sudden excessive movement or impact on the head and neck by any external stimuli often result in neck pain. Examples include the whiplash neck injury seen in a car crash and sudden acceleration or deceleration of the head. The neck muscles try to compensate for the movement by contracting and often go into a stiffened phase called a spasm. 

This spasm is what manifests as pain. 

· Posture

Poor posture such as slouching and rounding of the shoulders is the second most common cause of neck pain and is more common among the working-class population of adults. Sitting around all day for extended periods of time leads to fatigued neck muscles which have the default function of maintaining the straight position of the neck and head. 

These fatigued and weakened muscles generate that familiar pain.

Similarly, obesity and weak back muscles also disrupt the normal shape and integrity of the spinal column and can lead to pain at any point of the column. 

· Age

It is no surprise that with age all the bones and joints in the body become progressively weakened and susceptible to injury. 

Cervical vertebrae and their joints are no exception with age-related diseases such as Osteoarthritis, Cervical spine stenosis, and other degenerative diseases of the neck. 

The cervical vertebrae see a gradual loss of range of motion because of joint and bone erosion as in Osteoarthritis. 

This results in painful movement and stiffness of the neck. 

Narrowing of small nerve canals in the bones results in increased pressure on the nerves as in Cervical spine stenosis, and this produces numbness and pain. 

Degeneration of the cartilaginous discs between the vertebrae not only hinders movement but also increases the chances of disc herniation that compresses the nerve fibers, again leading to pain.

Upper Cervical Chiropractors to the rescue

While drugs and surgeries for neck pain and injuries are the more popular forms of treatment, we’d like to direct your attention towards the third kind of solution. 

A conservative treatment without the use of drugs and surgeries, one that treats your neck pain by manipulating the natural axes of movement in your neck joints to simply untangle the tangled muscle and nerve fibers, alleviating the pain. 

Chiropractic techniques aim to restore normal function and mobility to your joints and muscles using manually elicited natural movements of the affected joints. Your chiropractor after a thorough physical and neurological exam of your neck and adjacent areas will employ the appropriate chiropractic technique(s) to reduce the pain and return the neck to its normal mobility and function as conservatively as possible. 

Note that if during the examination, a condition such as a fracture or herniation is identified then the chiropractor will most likely refer you to the appropriate physician or surgeon.

The best-used chiropractic spinal manipulation techniques for neck pain include but are not limited to:

· Cervical drop 

Cervical drop is another technique that attempts to break abnormal stiffness points within the cervical spinal column. Here, as opposed to cervical mobilization and traction, the neck itself is not manually moved or pulled. 

Instead, a controlled non-damaging thrust is employed by the chiropractor to break the rigidity in the neck. 

The patient lies on the stomach or sideways, and the headpiece of the table is lifted to a precise position. The chiropractor then identifies areas of rigidity in the neck by palpating or feeling the soft structures of the neck. Once identified, the rigid areas of the neck are then pressed upon by the chiropractor in a swift, quick thrusting action. 

This results in sudden dislodgement of any abnormal fixations and the neck return to normal flexibility. 


Chiropractic treatments are used for a whole range of conditions not limited to neck pain. In the face of mainstream treatments like medicinal drugs and costly surgeries, chiropractic techniques offer a more natural solution to one of the most common ailments worldwide. 

Categories Back Pain

Chiropractor’s Advice: How to Solve Poor Work from Home Posture Problems

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives completely. We are no longer able to socialize with everyone we know and care about. Restaurants, gyms, and spas are closed. And many people had to adapt to working from home. While this may seem a good and convenient idea for many, it also brings a unique set of problems connected with poor posture.

As any chiropractor can tell you, correct posture when you work on a computer or write at the desk is essential for a healthy body. The skeleton, muscles, and joints are tuned to support our weight in a balanced way. When an imbalance occurs, some parts of the body have to bear more stress and pressure than they are designed for. These issues result in stiff neck, lower back pain, numb fingers, and toes.

Cause of Bad Posture: Your Home Is Not Designed for Work

For chiropractors, the first step in solving a problem, be it chronic pain, vertigo, or migraine headaches, is to identify its root cause. In the case of poor posture issues stemming from working from home, the problem is in the location itself.

Homes are rarely designed for work. Some people have a home office where they do their taxes and other household accounting tasks. But most of us design and furnish our homes for comfort and relaxation. Soft beds and comfortable sofas, thick carpets, and colorful pouf armchairs – are all designed to help people feel comfortable while reclining or lying down. They are inadequate for working on a laptop or looking over files and taking notes.

These being said, here are some of the most frequent poor work-from-home posture problems (and a few solutions to them):

1. Sitting/Reclining on the Sofa to Work on the Laptop

The sofa is not designed for working on the computer. Its role is to help you relax while you recline on it and are not engaged in physical activities. When you take your laptop to the sofa, you are straining various muscle groups in order to balance the laptop, use the scroll pad, and type.

The solution is to create a workspace that consists of a desk and an ergonomic chair. Office chairs are specially designed to offer adequate support to your neck, shoulders, and back and help you maintain a neutral posture. A neutral posture is when no muscle or joint is unduly strained to support your body.

2. Hunching Over the Laptop

Prolonged hunching over the laptop causes a stiff neck and sore shoulders. In many cases, this happens when people wrongly believe that they will be more comfortable sitting up in bed and working on the laptop.

The best solution is to find a table where your laptop is sitting at a sufficient height to allow you to sit up straight on a chair and look straight ahead of you into the screen, not down.

3. Getting Finger Cramps from Typing

Constant typing and using the mouse are not recommended in any situations. The most affected part of the forearm and hand – the carpal tunnel – can get inflamed and lead to a painful condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. In the worst-case scenario, you have to take a break from work for several weeks until the condition improves.

To avoid this issue, use a detachable and wireless keyboard and mouse. Thus, you can arrange them in an ergonomic position that does not apply too much pressure on the carpal tunnel.

Good Practices for a Healthy Work from Home Routine

Finally, here are some helpful tips to prevent the onset of pain and stiffness associated with long hours working at the desk:

  • Practice stretching in the morning and several times during the day
  • Take breaks from working on the computer and do simple exercises to activate blood circulation
  • Be mindful and listen to your body – when you feel in pain and uncomfortable, change your sitting position
  • Stand up and walk around the house when you are taking phone calls.

Every little thing counts when it comes to learning how to keep a correct posture. Remember that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, so do not ignore any kind of pain and stiffness you experience.