Categories Meniere's Disease

How Chiropractic for Inner Ear Disorders Works

The human ear is a very complex organ. What you see outside is just a small part of it – the outer ear. The inner ear is inside your head, and it contains a series of tiny bones and membranes with two crucial roles: to allow you to hear and to maintain your sense of balance.

When you suffer from inner ear disorders, such as Meniere’s Disease, you have the sensation that the world is spinning around you. In this article, our specialists explain the benefits of choosing chiropractic for inner ear disorders.

What Causes Inner Ear Disorders?

The most common causes of inner ear disorders are various injuries and sudden trauma. People who were involved in a car accident suffered a severe slip and fall, had a heavy object falling down on them are likely to develop this condition.

At a physical level, the issue is caused by even the slightest change in the natural position of each tiny element inside the inner ear. It can be made even worse by misalignments in the spinal vertebrae which prevent the nerves that connect the brain to the ear from working properly.

How Can Chiropractic for Inner Ear Disorders Help Patients?

Chiropractors have a different approach from other healthcare professionals. They do not focus solely on the injured part, but on the person as a whole. In many cases, the root cause of pain in a part of the body is located in a different part – in many cases along the spine.

Why is this so? The spinal cord is the superhighway that allows the brain to control your entire body through nerves. Pain, numbness, the sensation of vertigo may be caused by poor communication between the brain and the respective body part. In turn, this poor communication may be caused by a nerve pinched or otherwise obstructed by spine misalignments.

Thus, the purpose of chiropractic for inner ear disorders is to identify and resolve the spine problems which cause most of the negative symptoms you experience, especially dizziness and vertigo.

The Chiropractor’s Approach in Treating Inner Ear Disorders

Spine manipulations are a very general term for a complex range of precise movements. Each of them aims to correct spinal misalignments, without causing harm or discomfort to the patient. 

In certain situations, chiropractic for inner ear disorders involves specialized equipment, such as the drop table or the traction table. Each of these pieces of equipment allows the chiropractor to work precisely and with maximum safety for the patient.

Inner ear disorders can be healed by chiropractic in two ways:

1. By Allowing Spinal Fluid to Flow Freely

The sense of balance can be compromised when spinal subluxations cause spinal fluid to build up in the inner ear. This causes pressure on the small bones that give you the sense of up, down, right, and left. 

Once the misalignment is resolved, the spinal fluid will drain from the inner ear and the patient will stop feeling dizzy and disoriented. Chiropractic for inner ear disorders is the only non-invasive procedure that solves this specific type of issue.

2. By Restoring Nervous System Communications

When we say that the inner ear creates the sense of balance, we mean that the brain interprets the movement signals and generates the sense of walking ahead, turning right or left. 

Thus, when the nerves cannot transmit the signals from the inner ear to the brain properly, you feel that you are standing in the middle of a fast-spinning carousel. By resolving subluxations of the vertebrae, the chiropractor will allow the nerve to transmit signals without interruptions.

The improved communication within the nervous system will reduce the sensation of vertigo and lack of balance. Patients can return to their usual activities confidently.

If you suffer from any symptoms associated with inner ear disorders, one of our experienced chiropractors is ready to help you. Call us now to schedule your first appointment!

Categories Meniere's Disease

Does Chiropractic Help With Meniere’s?

Meniere’s disease

According to the Mayo Clinic’s website: Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes spontaneous episodes of vertigo. A sensation of a spinning motion with fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), and a feeling of fullness in your ear. In many cases, Meniere’s disease affects only one ear.

That’s all a little abstract to most people, so let’s break it down a bit. The inner ear is where the real magic of hearing happens, behind the eardrum. Those smallest of the bones in your body conduct sound vibrations to the neural tissue that turn the vibrations into information in your brain. 

Problems in this part of the ear are obviously going to cause some interference with your ability to hear well and even cause you to hear some sounds that aren’t really happening.


This is where Tinnitus comes in. Tinnitus is, essentially, Latin for inappropriate ringing in the ear. If you can imagine, or perhaps you don’t have to, a persistent ringing or static sound that obstructs other sounds you actually need to hear. Different people experience different patterns and pitches with Tinnitus, but the effect is the same: a maddeningly persistent sound that follows you to sleep.

Most people also experience a sensation of fullness in the ear. It’s not normal, so it is pretty distinct from having water in your ear. Many compare it to that feeling you get while gaining elevation right before your ears ‘pop’ to compensate for the difference in air pressure. This feeling of pressure is attributed to an excess of fluid in the inner ear.

These fluids vary from person to person. Some are experiencing an infection; some are not getting the proper drainage from the natural fluids found within the inner ear. These fluids all do the same thing when in such volumes: impinge on the function of the ear. The ear isn’t just responsible for hearing, though; it is also a key player in keeping you standing upright.

You see, the brain receives information from the ear about where your head is as far as whether it is tilted, upside-down, and when you rotate to one direction or the other. Now, take that information and scramble it; how do you think that would feel? This is what is referred to as ‘Vertigo.’ 

Suddenly, your brain gets all sorts of inappropriate feedback from the inner ear on tilt and rotation. Just like when you were little and got spun around in a chair or went through a looping and twisting roller coaster, you can get nauseated from such episodes and feel the need to vomit.


Many people with Meniere experience these sorts of symptoms in episodes that build up from the fullness in the ear to hearing loss, tinnitus, and finally, a wave of vertigo that can really stop a person in their tracks. These episodes are ‘triggered’ by various causes. Some include allergies, viral infection, fluid drainage blockage, and head trauma.

Since this disease can lead to permanent hearing loss, it isn’t something to sit on and hope it goes away. Finding a Meniere’s specialist in your area and having yourself checked out can be the difference in whether you’ll suffer from long-lasting damage to the inner ear. Considering the treatment options out there right now, you don’t want just anyone probing around in your ear.

Most doctors will advocate a less invasive approach at first, leaving risky surgeries for the last option. This is wise as even a successful surgery can lead to further complications down the line, including permanent hearing loss. Some early approaches include physical therapy, diet adjustments, lifestyle changes, and upper cervical corrections.

Upper cervical care

Many people aren’t familiar with that final approach listed. Upper cervical care is a healing modality focused on correcting the misalignment of joints in the upper neck. Dr. Burcon, a Meniere’s specialist out of Grand Rapids, Michigan, has published articles in peer-reviewed journals about the effects of this sort of intervention on Meniere’s disease. 

Essentially, freeing up the joints in the neck relieves the stresses of the muscles and nerves in this area and allows for that healthy drainage of the fluids from the inner ear. This approach is non-surgical and non-medical, requiring no drugs whatsoever. Simply relieving interference from the body so that it can heal like it’s made to.

Dr. Burcon studies the patient’s individual anatomy with the Blair upper cervical system of analysis. This is especially interesting as it considers that not everyone is built the same, so it makes sense that one person may be more prone to these sorts of disorders than another. 

After all, why would you find two people with similar allergies and sinus complications, even similar trauma history, but only one of them has Meniere’s?

Dr. Burcon claims that 291 of 300 had experienced complete relief of their symptoms; that’s pretty good in our book. The best part is that this type of care doesn’t carry the residual side effects as are possible with drugs or surgery. Where can you find this type of specialist in your area? Give us a call, and we’ll help you out.

Categories Meniere's Disease

Upper Cervical Care for Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is a painful condition of the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for helping us keep our equilibrium, and once it becomes endangered, Meniere’s is the final result. Meniere’s disease is well known to get loss of equilibrium, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Meniere’s affects everybody at several levels. It’s irregular and can be extremely unpredictable. Some can deal well with it as it’s nothing but a mild annoyance, but some find it to be quite disabling and may lead to deafness and permanent imbalance of their internal ear.

Typical Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease

A classic instance of Meniere’s disease contains four big elements:

Hearing reduction

 This normally begins in 1 ear and might progress to another one finally. It might change based on the intensity of the assault. Nobody’s situation is just like the next.

Rotational vertigo

 This is the feeling of rotation. You will feel as if the things around you’re spinning. It may come on somewhat or strike suddenly and be quite intense. The ideal thing to do if this happens is to sit right where you are till the feeling passes because a lot of men and women get injuries should they dropdown.


 The sensation of congestion, swelling, or the ear is under stress is shared with Meniere’s disease.


 A ringing sensation in the ears which ranges from moderate to excruciating. 

Does Meniere’s Disease Happen? The precise cause of Meniere’s disease remains a mystery among the health care community. Some theories suggest it is a result of a build-up of fluid from the inner ear. 

Some variables that could make this happen are:

  • Abnormal immune system reaction
  • Viral infection
  • Migraines
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Improper fluid drainage
  • Allergies
  • Head or neck injury

Due to the nature of the problem, a combination of factors might be included. We will concentrate on the final item in the preceding listing later in this report. 

A definite connection was found involving head and neck injury and Meniere’s disease.

7 Strategies to Help Alleviate Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease

Here are 7 items you can try in your home to help alleviate your symptoms of Meniere’s disorder:

Drink a lot of water

This may seem counterproductive since Meniere’s may be brought on by an extra build-up of fluid, but another motive for Meniere’s could be a virus, pathogen, or germs in your body. Drinking water can help flush out this. By maintaining the water inside your body, you’ll be prosperous in eliminating excess salts and draining toxins out.

Follow a low sodium diet

 Physicians will suggest this rather often because the excess salt in the body can lead to redness and water retention. It is possible to remove these problems by lowering your salt consumption.

Maintain your carbohydrates and proteins

 Carbohydrates break down to simple sugars and boost the insulin into your blood due to sugar. If you eat protein, it generates a discharge of glucagon to modulate the quantity of insulin within the body. This could help keep your blood glucose and insulin in management and help decrease the symptoms of Meniere’s. Stay away from sugar replacements and MSG: Aspartame and MSG are closely connected to Meniere’s.

These unhealthy goods are observed in the vast majority of processed foods. But you can avoid them using just a small hard work and, hopefully, see an improvement in symptoms. Manage your anxiety levels: Stress releases the pressure hormones and may cause Meniere’s disease. Getting skilled assistance to manage chronic stress might be a fantastic choice to take into account. 

Practice pressure relief at home

Listening to soothing music, performing some strengthening exercises, like Pilates, or even taking a very long walk.

Avoid nicotine and caffeine: both these substances are regarded as stimulating. It’s been discovered that both nicotine and caffeine extend the length of hearing loss, create vertigo worse, and also create the ringing of tinnitus much louder. Attempt to prevent both these substances completely if at all possible. Avoid foods that cause inflammation: These contain foods that are tough to digest, since they may lead to irritation throughout the entire body. 

Mild foods would be the ideal alternative with Meniere’s.

Finding Natural Relief to Meniere’s Disease research between 139 Meniere’s sufferers revealed some fascinating information that’s beneficial to anybody afflicted by it. The majority of the participants may remember having some kind of neck or head injury ahead of the beginning of the symptoms of Meniere’s disease. It was discovered upon an examination which 139 needed a misaligned bone within their upper cervical spine. When awarded a correction with an upper cervical artery, all reported visiting with their symptoms improved. Specifically, they detected a rise in their vertigo. 

The majority even watched their Meniere’s move away.

It has to do with the C1 vertebra and just how tightly it sits at the neck into the brainstem and Eustachian tube. If the C1 goes from the place, the misalignment might create the brainstem to malfunction and start sending improper signs to the brain about the body’s place, resulting in vertigo. Additionally, it may result in problems with the Eustachian tube. 

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Categories Meniere's Disease

Dreaded Meniere’s Disease Chiropractic Treatments

Today, we are going to talk about another condition, and that is the dreaded Meniere’s disease. Maybe you have never heard about this before, but it is a very serious condition where a person deals with a triad of symptoms with their ears. What that triad consists of is tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, a loss of hearing, and vertigo, which is a problem with balance.

With conventional care, they really don’t have an answer for Meniere’s disease. The person starts coming in with these symptoms that I just mentioned, and the doctor looks at the ear, but he or she does not see anything wrong. They look at the external ear, they look at the internal ear, but nothing is wrong, so they just prescribe drugs to treat the symptoms.

The problem is that the drugs never get to the cause. They only mask the symptoms, leading to further degeneration and more problems down the road, not to mention addiction. Many times, Meniere’s patients get prescribed sedatives. When it gets so bad, literally all they want to do is just lay down, close their eyes, go to sleep, and not have to deal with these symptoms. Therefore, sedatives are prescribed, which are very, very addictive.

This path of conventional care can be very problematic when we look at the long-term effects of things. How can we get to the cause of Meniere’s disease, something we see in our office every day? It all has to do with the nervous system.

Like we already talked about, with conventional care, the doctor is going to look at the external and internal ear and see nothing wrong, yet the person is still having ringing in the ears. They are not hearing very well. They are dizzy. They have vertigo. What we found is that we need to look at the nervous system, specifically the vestibulocochlear nerve. This nerve travels from the internal ear all the way to the brainstem. This is the pathway for our ear and our brain to communicate. Essentially, what is going on is that there is nothing wrong with the ear. The ear is sending normal messages to the brainstem, but they are being interfered with at the level of the vestibulocochlear nerve, or the brainstem itself.

This interference is why the brain is interpreting these signals as ringing in the ears, hearing loss, and vertigo. It is all due to pressure on this vestibulocochlear nerve. If we can find a subluxation or a misalignment in one of the top two bones in the neck, and we can remove that misalignment, thus taking pressure off the brainstem and the vestibulocochlear nerve, we can start to get normal messages between the ear and the brainstem, allowing Meniere’s symptoms to go away. Now the ringing isn’t there anymore. Now they are hearing a lot louder. They do not need the hearing aid anymore. Their vertigo is better. They are not falling over. They are not getting sick.

Actually, one of the biggest symptoms we see with Meniere’s patients is dropping attacks. Drop attacks are debilitating symptoms where basically the triad of Meniere’s symptoms all comes at a rush at one time, and that person literally blacks out. Sometimes, they fall and injure themselves. They become nauseous and literally can’t do anything for hours on end. Then, it takes them days to recover. It is a terrible, terrible, disease. We just wish people knew about upper cervical care, so they could send themselves and their loved ones to get this care that benefits so many people, not just Meniere’s patients.

Categories Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s Disease – Severe Vestibular Disorder

What is Meniere’s disease? 

Meniere’s disease is a chronic vestibular disease. In the 1800s, French physician Prosper Meniere first described this disease. In the era when Meniere’s disease was yet unidentified and not described it was believed that vertigo, tinnitus, and impaired hearing were related to damage or pathology of the brain. 

However, Prosper Meniere presented the notion that ringing of ears (tinnitus), loss of balance and equilibrium (vertigo), and hearing loss are concerned and associated with inner ear rather than the brain. This chronic condition usually targets one ear only. Since it is associated with episodes of dizziness there is a possibility that it is further linked with tinnitus and hearing loss as well. 

Significance of inner ear in Meniere’s disease

Before talking about the treatment of Meniere’s disease it is necessary to first understand this disorder very well. According to the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Meniere’s disease is a chronic vestibular disorder that is, so far, incurable.

It is known as an idiopathic vestibular disorder which is mainly caused by increased levels of endolymph in the inner ear. To understand Meniere’s disease thoroughly let’s first understand the basic anatomy of the ear.

The ear is not only a hearing organ but also a balancing apparatus. It is divided into three parts: outer, middle, and inner ear. The outer and middle ear is concerned with the reception of sound whereas the inner ear is concerned with equilibrium and not with hearing.

The inner ear consists of the membranous and osseous labyrinth. The former contains a fluid called endolymph while the space between osseous and membranous labyrinth contains perilymph.

When the number of endolymph increases in the membranous labyrinth it leads to Meniere’s disease. Once this is disturbed the structures present in membranous labyrinth work improperly thus, presenting the respective signs. 

How is it caused?

Despite the achievements of medical science, the exact causes of Meniere’s disease are still unknown. However, studies indicate an increase in fluids in tubes of the inner ear due to blockage or improper drainage, autoimmune diseases, and allergies to be the causes. 

What are the symptoms of this disease?

In this disease, patients complain of episodes of dizziness. The symptoms don’t stay 24/7. There are recurring episodes of violent vertigo which last from 20 minutes to several hours. Patients of Meniere’s disease suffer from episodic hearing loss. In severe cases, there is permanent hearing loss.

Tinnitus is also associated with this condition. There is constant hissing, buzzing, or clicking sounds in the ear without any external stimulus. Also, aural fullness is another symptom. Patients complain of the fullness of ear. Lastly, there is Tumarkin’s otolithic crisis in which the patient falls to the ground by losing control of posture.

Who is at risk?

Meniere’s disease occurs in individuals of all age groups. However, people who fall in the age group of 40-60 ages are more likely to develop this condition. Genes play an influential role in transferring this disorder from one generation to the next. Other than genetics, alcohol, smoking, and head injuries increase the risk of developing this chronic disorder. 

How is Meniere’s disease diagnosed?

Meniere’s disease is a critical disorder that must be diagnosed correctly otherwise it can lead to severe complications. The diagnosis of this disorder requires three possible conditions:

  • 2 episodes of vertigo. Each episode must last 20 minutes or longer but less than 12 hours. 
  • Loss of hearing which must be verified by the hearing test.
  • Aural fullness or the feeling of fullness in-ear.

Chiropractic experts give you relief!

Among all the proposed treatment ideas the most well-known is Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Expert chiropractors claim that Meniere’s disease recovery is concerned with spinal cord involvement. The spinal cord is the part of the Central Nervous System (CNS) which connects the body with the brain.

The spinal cord being the most crucial part of the body’s neural communication system can be responsible for Meniere’s disease. Chiropractors believe that due to misalignment of the spinal cord there is a possibility of exerting pressure on the brainstem which ultimately causes symptoms to occur.

The misalignment occurs due to improper sleeping or sitting patterns, accidents, trauma to the spinal cord, or pathological interference. In the misalignment of the spinal cord, the first vertebrae called Atlas (C1) and second vertebrae called Axis (C2) are affected.

Being the first and second vertebrae they are closest in relation to the brainstem therefore they directly impair the normal functioning of the brainstem. The fifth cranial nerve called Trigeminal nerve is affected which innervates the Eustachian tube in the ear. This impairment produces a feeling of ear fullness. 

Several types of research have been conducted in which victims of Meniere’s disease are provided chiropractic to align their spinal cord. First, their spinal X-Rays are taken to confirm any deformity at the level of C1 and C2.

After a few sessions of chiropractic, their symptoms are observed. It was found that their symptoms are either alleviated or completely vanished. Most of the chiropractors reveal that most of the patients of Meniere’s disease have a head or spinal injury in the past 10-15 years.

Usually, they neglect the injury after treatment, but the injury turns out to have a worse effect on the ability of the body to maintain posture and equilibrium. 

Therefore, chiropractors perform Upper Cervical Chiropractic upon patients in a few sessions. By the end of each session, the patient feels better. In this alternate medical technique, the patient experiences minimum pain. 

Briefly, we can conclude that Meniere’s disease is a vestibular disorder that is associated which three characteristic symptoms: tinnitus, vertigo, and hearing loss. According to medical science, it is an idiopathic disease in which endolymph accumulates in the inner ear.

On the other hand, chiropractors firmly believe that it is due to a trauma that causes misalignment of the first two vertebrae, Atlas and Axis, of the spinal cord. The misalignment causes disturbance in the working of the brainstem.

Chiropractors believe that Upper Cervical Chiropractic is the most efficient management for Meniere’s disease recovery. 


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Categories Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s Disease From a Whiplash-Type Injury

Today I would like to talk to you about how Meniere’s disease, and other inner-ear-type symptoms, can be started, or aggravated, from a whiplash-type of injury. What happens is that the message from the ear travels to the brain via a nerve called the vestibulocochlear nerve. Vestibular = balance. Cochlear = hearing.

    Most of the time with Meniere’s disease, patients will go to an ENT or another medical doctor, and they will check the inner ear and say, “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with your ear.” But, somehow or another, the symptoms you have are unrelated, right? The balance, the hearing, the ringing in the ears…

    If the message from the ear to the brain traveling via the vestibulocochlear nerve gets interfered with, then the normal message leaving the ear and traveling down the nerve can be changed before it gets to the brain. The brain senses something other than what the ear is trying to send it. There is one place that can happen and that is at the top of the neck or the brainstem area.

    When people come to us with Meniere’s disease, we can almost always relate it back to some sort of trauma, like a fall, accident, or whiplash. Whiplash seems to be the most common, when you are still and your head keeps going, or when your head is still, and your body keeps going. This usually occurs in car wrecks, or other accidents when the head or body is abruptly jerked.

    We have this big heavy head that weighs 10 to 12 pounds. It sits on top of a bone that weighs about three ounces. You can imagine how easy it is to have that big bowling ball bounce back across that tiny little bone. If that happens, that puts pressure at the brainstem. Pressure on the brainstem interferes with the messages from the body to the brain. In this case, the inner ear, which can create the vestibulocochlear symptoms – the balance problems, hearing problems, and ringing in the ears.

    Therefore, if you have Meniere’s disease or symptoms related to Meniere’s disease, then there is a good chance that some type of accident is what initially created it. If you have had Meniere’s for a while, then there was an accident somewhere midterm that can actually make it worse.

Categories Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s Disease Treatment

We’ve had 400, 500 Meniere’s disease patients. Meniere’s is kind of a mystery to the medical profession because they look at the ear, which is where the symptoms are, right? And they don’t see a problem in the ear, so they have a really hard time trying to figure out, well why do we have all these inner ear problems? The triad which makes up Meniere’s disease, vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and a loss of or diminished hearing, right? All three of those, combined together, give you the Meniere’s disease, which is basically some guy, Dr. Meniere, had the condition actually, founded it, and put his name on it.

If there is nothing wrong with the ear, then somewhere, the message between the ear and the brains got to be getting distorted, changed, altered, so that the brain is hearing something other than what the normal ear is transmitting to it? Your ear does two things. It sends hearing signals to the brain. That’s how you hear. And then it also tells the brain where it is in space. The fluid in there, okay? The message tells the brain where it is in space. You’ve got your own leveling system to make sure the head’s always level. It’s actually the same reflex that causes seasickness. That’s why if you have Meniere’s bad enough, you have drop attacks, your dizziness gets so bad you throw up because it’s like instant seasickness, because what happens is your eyes are telling the brain one thing, and then the ear tells the brain something else. It’s the same reflex as seasickness.

Regarding seasickness, you’re looking out on a flat horizon, so the eyes are telling the brain you’re still, but then your ears feel you going up and down, sendingmessages to the brain that you’re moving. The brain gets confused. That’s what creates the dizziness, the nausea, sometimes drop attacks and vomiting.

Interestingly, the ear is perfectly normal. It sends a message,and the hearing is fine. There’s no ringing in the ears. No tinnitus. I hear everything normally. It goes to the brain, and the brain gets the normal hearing. What about balance. Balance is okay. Our head’s level. We’re standing still. The ear sends those messages to the brain, and the brain gets it and everything’s normal. But, if the message is altered, that’s when we get the symptoms of Meniere’s.

Now, how could the message be altered? Well, there’s only one place the message can be altered, so let’s start here. There are no nerves that come off the brain. Okay? The nerves that control your vision, your hearing, your taste, your smell, the muscles in the face, your eyes opening, closing. Those are all come from 12 cranial nerves that come off down here. They come off the brain stem, go back up into the skull, and then they go to the eyes, and the ears, and your taste buds, etc.

Well, there’s one nerve that’s called the vestibular cochlear nerve. Vestibular being balanced. Cochlear being hearing, that comes off the brain stem, and it goes to the ear. At the ear, it splits into two nerves, the vestibular part, and the cochlear part. If the cochlear part is hearing everything normal and sends the message to the brain, that’s your hearing. As long as the vestibular parts gets to the brain normally, that’s your balance, but there’s one place and only one place, and that’s at the very top of the neck, up here at the brainstem, where that vestibular nerve comes out and goes back up into the head to the ear. If one of these bones here gets even a little bit out of position, that can actually close down on the nerve. It can interfere with the message getting to the brain, so it alters it. 

The ear is normal. Normal function travels through the nerve, but then when it gets into the neck at the brainstem, it alters the message so that now the brain hears ringing in the ears. It hears a lack of hearing. It has an altered position which creates the vertigo, the dizziness, the nausea. 

If you have a bone out of line in your neck, it can definitely alter the sensation from one ear or both ears to the brain, and you don’t have to have neck pain. You don’t have to have headaches. There’s no pain perception at the brainstem, so you don’t even have to feel anything whatsoever and still have the symptoms of Meniere’s.

Now, medications sometimes temporarily mask it, but they typically don’t do the best job at that. I’ve had patients come in and say that they had to have streptomycin therapy. That was their last resort where they’re going to go in and totally destroy the inner ear, which would mean there would be no message is going to the brain, no hearing, no balance, which means you’d be completely death, and you would totally be dependent on your eyes to know where you are in space, so your balance will be off. 

If you have the symptoms of Meniere’s, the triad of symptoms we talked about, find an upper cervical doctor near you. 

Categories Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s Recovery With Upper Cervical Treatment

Meniere’s disease causes patients to suffer from debilitating vertigo attacks that in many cases are not stopped until the patient is doped up on drugs in the hospital. Many of Meniere’s sufferers are dragged through countless medical procedures including endolymphatic shunt surgeries. While these surgeries at times can offer temporary relief, many get relief only to be followed by more attacks. Medical science admits they do NOT know what causes Meniere’s and, furthermore, have few treatments that give long-lasting relief or cure. Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what patients are saying about the relief they have found from Upper Cervical Care here in Los Angeles with theirs.

In our office, we have seen well over 100 Meniere cases. We find that the vertigo attacks, ear fullness, hearing loss, and cognitive fog respond quite well. This can be explained by neurological pathways that affect the muscles of the Eustachian tube and pathways that control the vestibular apparatus. Research has shown that whiplash-type traumas can cause damage to the joint surfaces of the upper cervical spine that then cause abnormal signals to the vestibular nucleus and cerebellum, which are responsible for the balance. Upper Cervical Doctors are trained to correct spinal misalignments in the upper neck region, which then allows the joints, brainstem, and associated spinal nerves to function normally. This results in healing and in most cases remittance of Meniere’s type symptoms. We hope that this blog has been helpful and finds its way to those who are looking for a solution to their health challenges.