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Dr. Drury has changed my life!! I suffered from migraines for many years and finally saw Dr. Drury.

He discovered my neck was mis-aligned and started adjustments. I saw immediate results and could not be more grateful to get my life back!

Lori Fuqua

Healed her Migraines

Dr. Drury is passionate about what he does and offers top-tier care. Everyone in the office is friendly and makes you feel comfortable from start to finish.

Rachel J

Experienced Top-tier Care

Simply stated Upper Cervical works! – I know because I was a patient here 15 years ago after a horrible accident and head injury they were able to get me back on track.

Sometimes years and years of abuse and accidents take a toll on your neck you cannot expect things to get better with one adjustment that is why you have to go through the program it sometimes takes awhile to get your neck back to where it should.

Believe me you will feel much better – all the nerves and blood to your brain are stimulated in an Upper Cervical adjustment and it has been proven to lower blood pressure and relax people.

Sweet S.

Healed from horrible accident

Got into a motor vehicle accident a while ago and was laid up. Experienced neck pain and slight numbness in my right hand's fingers.

While traveling I was convinced to see a chiropractor. A kind of "you deserve this" kind of convincing since I was on a vacation.

After a quick search I decided to give them a shot. They took X-Rays of my neck and showed me I had some nerves being messed up by my neck due to the accident.

Got set up for an appointment and I got to enjoy the rest of my vacation with full feeling in my fingers and no neck pain.

The service provided gave me a unique renewal on life and showed me that a small investment can truly redefine how you feel; you're worth it! Can't thank them enough!I

Couldn't fall asleep on the airplane on the way down, but on the way back I was able to grab some sleep!

Absolutely tremendous experience, the staff is beyond accommodating, and extremely knowledgeable.
I'd encourage anyone to consider them, local or not.

Mr B.

Healed from Motor Vehicle Accident

After seeing countless Doctors and specialists the past 3 yrs for a seizure and migraine disorder my sister told me I needed to try one last thing before having a surgery on brain. Feeling frustrated and not wanting to travel hundreds of miles to go to a 'chiropractor', I gave in to appease my family. Upon arrival I saw a sign that says Expect Miracles, and giggled to myself thinking 'I have been waiting on one for years, how will this be different'?

First off, I have to say his staff is not only kind and extremely friendly but they are also very helpful. His office is clean and simple. I could write step by step what the whole process was but that's to much to explain. What I know is that this is NOT a normal chiropractor, he is upper cervical... VERY different!! He is extremely educated, and answers all of your questions. Even after talking to him I still thought this makes complete sense, yet didn't know if it would work for me! This has ruled my life for 3yrs! Ok, ok, I'm trying to get to my point!! There is so much I could write about Dr. Drury being a man of integrity or faith and purpose but instead I guess I will just end with this...

I have been seizure and headache free for the entire time I started going to him. This has not happened in 3yrs!! The months prior to seeing him so was having 2-4 seizures a week and everyday migraines!! This works, it absolutely works. It's the hidden secret of healthcare in my opinion and more people should be trying things like this than pretty medicine over and over in your body. I highly recommend trying this for any health issues you may be having.

Call his staff and talk to them, that's the place to start!! And don't forget to Expect Miracles!!!

Claire M.


I year later and my bloodwork has been checked again. I'm still in the normal range for kidney function!!! I'm still a patient of Dr Drury!!

Scott H.


Dr. Drury is truly passionate about supporting his patients in getting results. He takes the time to make sure you understand what he is doing and why. In less than a month of treatment, I have minimal neck and shoulder pain that prior was present for years.

The work is based on getting the body to function the way it is supposed to in a precise and gentle way. His website shows testimonial after testimonial that his work is making a difference.

Every time I am in his office, everyone is smiling.
To me, that speaks volumes; people are truly getting well!

I highly recommend him and his staff!

Michele B.

Healed Neck and Shoulder Pain

Patient Stories


Healed Back Pain

After one adjustment 40 years of back pain was gone!

When I was on Ohio State's wrestling team, I injured my back, I thought. Although I remained active after college I played a lot of tennis and racquetball-I always suffered from lower back pain. I had to bend my knees to pick up the ball; it hurt too much to bend over.

I went to an orthopedic doctor and physical therapist. I tried acupuncture, massage, and general chiropractic. Sometimes the pain went away, but only temporarily. Then someone gave me Dr. Drury's book, and I decided to try Upper Cervical.

I was one of those one-time miracles like the man whose hearing was restored the first time Dr. Palmer adjusted him back in the day. I learned my back injury had really been a neck injury that caused my back to hurt.

After my first Upper Cervical adjustment, my back pain was gone and four years later, I am still pain free.

Now I go for monthly, Upper Cervical checkups to make sure my alignment is holding. Upper Cervical worked for me when nothing else did.


Healed Migraines

Upper Cervical for Migraines

I started seeing Dr. Drury for Migraines I've suffered with since I was a little girl. I tried traditional prescription medicine which would cover up the pain for a while but would never solve the problem.

I had a coworker who told me about Upper Cervical but I brushed it off for more than a year because I had been to multiple chiropractors and none of them ever helped.

I tried every drug out there as well as massage and acupuncture to no avail. The cost of those treatments were so expensive yet so ineffective.

I am so thankful for her for pushing me to go see Dr. Drury.I went only to appease her so she would stop asking me to go.I had results within the first two or three adjustments.

After a few visits I went a few days with no headaches.I used to have a headache every day, six or seven migraines a month and at least one trip to the ER monthly!I now have very few headaches and even fewer migraines!!!

Upper Cervical changed my life! I even had my twin baby boys checked just a few days after they were born!I

tell anyone who will listen about Upper Cervical and do my best to spread the word about how effective being in alignment is to your health and quality of life.


Healed Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia and Upper Cervical

Back in the day... I carried 35-pound TV news cameras on my shoulder for approximately 35 years. This work caused the misalignment in my neck and back and brought on the condition known as Trigeminal Neuralgia.

The medical community states it as the most painful condition known to mankind... often patients with this condition consider suicide as the only source of relief from this agonizing face pain.

I endured this pain off & on for more than 11 years, often missing work and being unable to speak because jaw movement triggered the agonizing pain. I tried all the standard treatments......

From pain pills by a neurologist to laser therapy for several weeks, and standard chiropractic treatments.Finally, someone told me about The Upper Cervical Spine Center and Dr. Drury.I had several sessions with Dr. Drury who adjusted my Atlas, which periodically rubbed against the trigeminal nerve.

This upper cervical realignment gave me the relief I was seeking for so many years... and it's no overstatement when I say...

"Dr. Drury saved my life"! I have been free of trigeminal pain for the last three years. I stop by periodically for an adjustment so I can continue to be pain free!

Madeline S.

Healed Lyme Disease

Relief From Lyme Disease

In 2014, I had terrible stomach issues along with my very first neurological symptoms. More random symptoms began to develop over time, which lead me down many paths to many different specialists, all of whom could only tell me what I did not have.

I received my Lyme Disease diagnosis in 2017, and even after receiving treatment that cured the disease, I still had Some lingering symptoms. My Lyme-literate doctor then suggested Neurofeedback.

After spending time in Neurofeedback therapy, small improvements were made, but I still had major issues with anxiety and sleep.

In late 2018, I was referred to The Upper Cervical Spine Center, and ! am so thankful for that. I have received more answers and more relief than I have in the past 4 and a half years seeing over 15 different doctors. Thank you for changing my life!

Reclaim Your Health with
The Upper Cervical Spine Center

You Might Be Wondering

Is this too good to be true?

No. Upper Cervical Care takes all the guesswork out. When the nervous system is healthy the body heals.

How come I've never heard of Upper Cervical Care?

There are only 1000 specialists in this field – in the world.

How does it work?

Every single nerve in the body originates at the brainstem, Upper Cervical Chiropractors are trained to detect and align pressure in that area of the spine to restore the functioning and healing signals to your body.

Does it hurt?

No. The correction does not hurt. There is no twisting, turning, or jerking of the neck. If your spine is really ‘locked up’, there may be some discomfort, but the adjustment does not cause any pain.

Can you help maintain my health?

Yes! Upper Cervical Chiropractic has one goal: to release pressure from the nervous system. This allows the impulsses from your brain to be unimpeded as they traavel throughout your body, promoting proper functioning and healing. With a fully functioning nervous system, your body will maintain health at an optimal level.

We Align the Head and Neck So That the Nerves Can Send Brain Healing Messages to Affected Parts Of Your Body.

It's a Natural Self Healing.