Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that affects about 2-3 percent of the population and may continue to worsen over time. Many treatments for scoliosis focus on helping the patient cope with the symptoms that come with it.

These treatments may range anywhere from physical therapy, medication, and surgery. However, there is one specific kind of treatment that has helped patients not only cope with the symptoms of scoliosis in adults but could in fact help your body in fighting against it for the best outcome.

What are the Signs of Scoliosis in Adults?

Noticing the signs and symptoms of scoliosis in adults can help you spot the beginning signs of scoliosis. If you have had scoliosis for a while, keep in mind there is a natural treatment that can still help improve your condition. As always, the earlier you can begin treatment for scoliosis in adults, the better.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of scoliosis in adults:

  • Head not centered – The head may not be centered above the pelvis if you have scoliosis.
  • Body leans – The body may tend to lean to one side due to scoliosis.
  • Change of skin appearance or texture – Changes in skin appearance or texture can include abnormal color, hairy patches, or dimples.
  • Height of rib cage – Scoliosis in adults can cause the rib cages to be leveled at different heights.
  • Height Loss – Due to the curvature of the spine, scoliosis may cause you to become shorter in height.
  • Uneven shoulders – Scoliosis causes a tilt, which can cause your shoulders to become uneven (one lower than the other) or cause one or both shoulder blades to stick out.
  • Back pain – When your spine changes to an abnormal position, it is common for discomfort or pain to happen.
  • Trouble breathing – Scoliosis can reduce the area of your chest leaving less room for your lungs to expand.
  • Rotating spine – The spine can twist and turn as it moves its position.
  • Raised hips – Both hips may be raised unusually high. The same could happen to only one hip.

If you have noticed you have one or more of these signs or symptoms, there is a chance you may have scoliosis. It is best to see a professional right away to make sure you have the best outcome possible in treating your scoliosis. Scoliosis in adults can worsen over time, so it is important to not wait too long.

Causes of Scoliosis in Adults

The cause of scoliosis in adults can vary and depends on the type of scoliosis. Sometimes, there is no known cause – known as idiopathic scoliosis. Other times, it could be due to the natural aging process, or degenerative. Scoliosis in adults could also be a case of pediatric scoliosis that was not discovered until reaching adulthood. 

A Natural Treatment for Scoliosis in Adults

While medication and surgery are options for most people who suffer from scoliosis, an all-natural treatment should be tried first to avoid unwanted changes to your body. Medication and surgery both come with side effects as they work to forcing your body to change a certain way to “ignore” the discomfort that comes along with scoliosis.

Upper cervical adjustments are effective treatments for scoliosis in adults. Upper cervical adjustments also try to correct your body from the inside by allowing your brain stem to support the proper brain to body communication and healthy spine health.

The upper cervical spine is located in your neck area, beginning at the base of your skull. What is unique about your upper cervical spine is that the rest of your spine will follow its lead. If your upper cervical spine is out of place, the rest of your spine will begin to twist, bend, and turn in ways to keep your head level.

While you may want to fix the lower part of your spine, it is your upper cervical spine that holds most of the influence over your spine’s alignment.

Unlike general chiropractic, upper cervical adjustments focus on the top two bones of your body and use very precise, gentle movements to correct the area. When an adjustment is made, pressure from any misaligned vertebrae will be taken off the brain stem allowing the proper brain to body communication to send signals back and forth properly again.

These signals help tell your body what to do in order to repair any muscles, ligaments, nerves, or soft tissue that was damaged during the misalignment.

In addition, the adjustment corrects the placement of your upper cervical spine and can help influence the positioning of the rest of your spine over time. Patients have reported feeling the rest of their spine shifting and moving into a better position after upper cervical adjustments.

Because of the entire spine being affected by the adjustments, it is quite common for the body to feel sore and is recommended to drink plenty of water.

If you or a loved one is currently battling scoliosis, upper cervical adjustments can help not only improve their symptoms but improve the overall health of the body and help it from the inside.